P: Chris Christie
For a Brighter and Kinder Planet.
We are shining light on oceans. We are saltwater guardians, creating ripples of awareness and waves of change in protection of waterways as a place for marine life and people to thrive, live and play.
To share stories, resources and tools, increasing awareness of oceans and all they sustain; with students at the heart of actions for change.
Healthy, clean and thriving oceans, sustaining life below and above the surface of the water.
Here’s How We Flow
Transparency - Clarity of intentions through open communication and action.
Equanimity - Collaborative effort on equal ground, respecting and valuing each individual, their unique gifts and contributions.
Spirited - Passionate, purposeful energy and enthusiasm to create ripples of awareness and waves of change together.
Flow - An openness to ideas and ways of doing, connected to collective consciousness and aligned with purposeful action and strategy at all levels.
My Why
Hi I’m Minna founder of Blue Mar 4 Change. Mar, meaning ocean in Spanish.
Following a trip to Nicaragua, an amazing lady named Rosa, living in material poverty gave our daughter gifts to celebrate her first birthday. It was the richness and generosity of her spirit that moved and nudged me forward. I decided that I wanted to give back through my travel and adventures. Blue Mar 4 Change was established.
I grew up in Northern Ontario and have always loved the water. Every day, I played in our great big backyard leading to the forest and down to the river. Summers were especially divine at our camp on Lake Huron. Running around barefoot, picking berries and splashing off the dock well into the hours of sunset, fireflies and stargazing. This is something I still love to do and cherish the opportunity to do so with our daughters. The stories connect us to family, culture and nature. Sharing this forward for future generations.
It was a road trip to Oregon with my grandparents in my early teens that really sparked my imagination and love for our oceans. There was something about those sand dunes and wild waves of the Pacific Northwest that invoked something deeper in me. Something that resonated and led me to travel to wild places around the globe. Knowing that I need to be by the sea.
And here I am. Grateful to be living on the west coast of Canada in Squamish, British Columbia. Where the mountains meet the sea and rivers flow. In this place of blues and greens where you can literally see the forest breathing.
And we can see the problems that our oceans are facing. From climate change to plastics. Overdevelopment and unsustainable practices. Much of the crisis is hidden and we need to help.
We need to protect our waterways for they protect us. Providing us with the air that we breathe and filling our souls with wonder and joy. Sparking curiosity as to what lives within. Delighting us with the tip of a fin or the shimmer of something, just below the surface.
We need Nature. We need our Oceans.
One action at a time multiplied by many, we can make a difference.
For Oceans of Change and a Brighter and Kinder Planet.